Michelle Wells Grant

Pastel Artist and Writer

California here I come, right back where ……

Last painting finished and the pastels are packed. We move in two weeks!


This painting, The Embroidery Lesson, is the last one to be painted in Texas. Many thanks to my friend and model Sally, and her sweet daughter, Ruby, for a great photo session which is providing me with wonderful material to paint from for years to come. These are the first paintings in a series I’m working on about peaceful pastimes and reflective moments. In this age of technology we tend to forget that we can spend quiet time with something other than a device in our hands. The way people used to enjoy leisure time, just a few decades ago.


Reading Eloise



…..we started from. See ya in California!


Let’s face it. I’m a terrible blogger.

For the past year, my life has been a tornado of travel and life-changing events and I have neglected my poor little blog. Forgive me, dear followers, but I am back with a post and a brief report on exciting news.

What a travel year 2015 was! From California to New York and from Italy to Tahiti … I have been blessed to have had these opportunities to visit so many great places. But now I’m going to settle down because my husband and I bought the most wonderful retirement home in the coastal town of Aptos, California. It sits on a hilltop amongst vineyards (not ours but we get to look at them!) and is just ten minutes from one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever seen. We are beyond thrilled and hope to make our big move from Texas to California soon!

In the meantime, I’ve been trying to squeeze in some painting time and here are a few paintings to share with you … keeping it beachy. Because, ya know … I’ve got beach on the brain. I promise to be better about blogging, even if my posts are brief. Thanks for sticking with me!

All of these paintings are available on Daily Paintworks.


Beach Baby (12"x16")

Beach Baby (12″x16″)



Magnificent Manresa (8.5″ x 10.5″)


Beach Novel

Beach Novel (12″ x 16″)


Gentle Breaker (12"x16")

Gentle Breaker (12″x16″)


Off the Top (9" x 12")

Off the Top (9″ x 12″)



Tahiti Turquoise (9″ x 12″)


Aqua (8 "x 11" )

Aqua (8 “x 11” )


1 Comment

Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy … do I have A LOT to tell you! But I will dole it out in increments so as not to overwhelm you.

In a word; travel. And travel, and travel. It’s all been fun. It’s all been good. And now, it’s good to be home and fun to be back to painting.

In a little more than three weeks I’ve been to Italy, California and Albuquerque. First stop; Florence, Italy to attend the Margaret Dyer pastel workshop which was bravissimo! We learned a lot, we were inspired by the city’s rich history and art, and after two weeks there we began to feel a part of the city. Near the end of our stay I was even thinking in simple Italian sentences and my love for the language had me wishing I could stay longer and learn more. But I can tell you that these words came easily …. “Vorrei manchare adesso,” (I want to eat now) and subsequently, “Ho mangiato come un porco!” (I ate like a pig!)

Here is a little pictorial. We toured the Pitti Palace, the Uffizi Gallery, the Vasari Corridor, the Accademia where David lives, artison studios in the Oltrarno, did a day trip to Siena, a jaunt to Fiesole, and we took an Italian cooking class. Other than that, no words necessary.


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With the launching of my website today, I’ve taken the professional leap into a career in art. I’ve had my hand in a lot of creative endeavors over the years, but never have I felt so certain that this is what I should be doing. My commitment to this work is almost effortless, my ability to stand at the easel with colorfully smudged fingers and watch a painting emerge is a privilege, and my determination to learn and grow in this work is paramount. After my first encounter with pastels in 2011, this passion has happily spread like an uncontrollable wildfire.

Just by visiting my new website today, you are sharing in the celebration of MW Grant Art. Thank you! Here you can view available paintings, sold paintings, and find links to purchase originals and prints. This website will be the new home for my blog now. Many of you have followed my blog through the Blogger host and while I will leave that blog and all of it’s previous posts intact, I won’t be posting from there anymore. Please transition with me to this one by clicking on the “follow” button on the lower right. And I would SO love to read your comments, which you can easily post below!IMG_8212

As I launch this new website, I’m packing for Florence, Italy where I’ll spend two weeks in a pastel painting workshop under the tutelage of Margaret Dyer, the best of the best pastel artists. We go in just 5 days! I hope to continue my blog posts from Italy and would love to have you follow along. Andiamo vernice in Italia! (Let’s go paint in Italy!)


Michelle Wells Grant

Pastel Artist and Writer

Let's Talk Graphite

with Multi-Medium Artist/Instructor Mark Hufford

Aunt Mayme's Attic

Vintage Linens in Modern and Functional Items

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging

WordPress.com News

The latest news on WordPress.com and the WordPress community.